Friday 26 February 2016

International Women's Day Invitation

Article in the Oldham Chronicle Newspaper

The #heartunions stall on the Oldham market was very successful. We started off with a shopping trolley full of union application forms, free pens, mugs, keyrings and more. By the end of the day, everything had gone.
 There were a lot of enquiries regarding the GMB union. Local business also supported the work of the Oldham Trades Council by handing out flyers on our behalf to customers.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Facebook Page

Busy, busy, busy!

Oldham Trades Council Meeting Tonight at 5pm - The Royal Oak Hotel, Union Street, Oldham

Tonight we will be meeting to make the final plans for the #loveunions stall on 13/02/16 and the OTUC AGM on 08/03/16.

We will be catching up regarding where we are with regard to the pledge we made at the Oldham Fairness Commission event on 29/01/16 to make Oldham a 'Living Wage Town'. The employer name & shame list has been released. According to the Living Wage Foundation, there are only a few banks in the Town Centre that pay a living wage to its employees so it looks like we have our work cut out for us!

I am rushed off my feet with last minute plans for the PCS West Pennine & Oldham Branch AGM where our guest speaker will be PCS General Secretary, Mark Serwotka. We will be hosting a stall for Oldham Trades Council there to promote Trades Councils and their hard work.

Thursday 14 January 2016

We have a room! We have our first speaker!

Jeni Williams - Coronation Street star
Great News!!! The room for the AGM/International Women's Day Celebrations has been booked and confirmed. Plus we have our first confirmed speaker....Jeni Williams, Coronation Street actress. She will be joining us on the 8th March 2016 to tell us what International Women's Day means to her.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Oldham Trades Council Meeting 12/01/16


Gail Bradshaw

My name is Gail, I am the Secretary of the Oldham Trades Council and am a member of PCS.

Alec McFadden
I attended the Oldham Trades Council meeting tonight with my colleagues Elaine (Unite) (Equality Officer), her partner Anthony (GMB), Nigel (NUT) (President), Mark (PCS) Vice Chair and Alec McFadden (President of Merseyside TUC, Secretary of Wirral TUC, Manager of Salford Unemployed TUC Centre, Unite Branch Chair).

We discussed the future of the Oldham Trades Union Council (OTUC). Lately, the OTUC has been a little quiet, some might say rather inactive, but I can assure you, we had a presence at many events, rallies and demonstrations in Manchester and areas surrounding Oldham during the last 12 months, we just didn't make our voice heard.  Last year we underwent a major restructure as our Secretary Martin Larkham retired from his post and also his career with the Department of Works and Pensions. Liz McInnes retired from her post to become the Labour MP for Middleton and Heywood and John Ling retired from his post as Treasurer to spend more time with his family.                                                                 

That is most definitely about to change over the course of the next 12 months.

On 13th January 2016, Oldham Trades Union will be showing support for Fast Food Workers. Fast Food Rights will be hosting a forum at Parliament in London with a delegation of US fast food workers and organisers who are leading the inspiring fight for $15 strike movement.
The forum will see the US fast food workers and our own fast food workers from across Britain who are leading in the BFAWU Fast Food Rights Campaign to fight for union Rights and £10 per hour here,sharing experiences on a panel discussion. They will be joined by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, who founded the campaign alongside BFAWU in 2014, along with other leading figures from the Trade Union and anti-austerity movement. The reason for the US involvement is that it will be a global campaign. There has been a press event in Brussells on 12th January 2016. The idea of this campaign is to press McDonalds into reforming its practices towards workers, consumers and society as a whole.

The 27th of January 2016 is Holocaust Memorial Day. As part of our anti-fascist and anti-racist campaign work, each year we support the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust (HMDT) by encouraging our members to hold events in their workplace on this dedicated day of commemoration. Resources are available on the website:

On Monday 29th January 2016 (10am -12:30), as I am an Oldham Fairness Commissioner, I will be attending the public event with other commissioners and Debbie Abrahams MP Shadow Minister for Disability at Mahdlo, Egerton Street, Oldham OL1 3SE. This event is open to the public. At the conference, myself and other commissioners will commit to the Oldham Fairness Commission (OFC) recommendations and we will discuss our draft action plans to tackle inequalities and build a fairer Oldham.

Dates for your diary:
Saturday 6th February 2016 - Unite Against Fascism National Conference 2016, London

19th March 2016 - Stand Up to Racism National Demonstration, London

Our next meeting is on the 9th February 2016 at the earlier time of 5pm in the Royal Oak Hotel, Union Street, Oldham OL1 1EN. 

Also on the same day is the Rochdale Public Meeting - Stop Trident - St Chads Church, Rochdale OL16 1QT - Tuesday 9th February 2016 - Guest speaker Natalie Bennett (Leader of the Green Party).

On 13th February 2016, we will be in the local community in Oldham Town Centre (outside Primark) supporting the TUC campaign -  #heartunions - from 11am - 1pm. We will be giving away lots of free stuff, we will have enrolment forms and information for all the unions in our local area in case you are not a member but want to find out more or are a member and want to check out what is happening in your local area.

If you miss the event but still want to show your support, please sign the petition below:

On the 8th March 2016, we will be having our Annual General Meeting which will coincide with International Women's Day.


At the AGM on the 8th March 2016, we have an open invitation to unions, organisations and individuals in the Oldham area and members of the local community. We will be hosting an event with many speakers and offering a valuable opportunity to become involved in the Town's voice with the Trade Union movement. We will also be making our pledge for parity in relation to our local community and International Women's Day and reinforcing our commitment to the Oldham Fairness Commission recommendations. There will be refreshments and a chance to make new friends and see what the Oldham Trades Council is all about. This will be at the Link Centre, Union St, Oldham (TBC). More about this soon.